Saturday, February 13, 2016

MLK Day Poster 2016

I wanted to try something I haven't done before for this year's MLK Day poster: Photography+Painting.

Atlanta is a prominent city in regards to Martin Luther King Jr. He was born and raised there and it was an important place for him. It is designated as the MLK Jr. Historic Site. So during the night, I went to the top deck of the parking garage of my apartment, set up my tripod, and took photos of the Atlanta sky line. It was cold, but the shots were worth it.

In Photoshop, I first sketched a portrait of MLK, and this was also the first time I did an inverse, or negative (for lack of knowing the proper term) where I started on a black canvas and using a white brush, sketched and then filled in highlights. I've always drawn/painted on a white canvas where one would traditionally add shadows, so this was new experience for me.

The poster went through many stages of color and layout, until I finally settled on what is now posted. There was a lot of experimentation and trying of new techniques, and I am pleased with the results.