Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Favorite and Least Favorite Designs

With the advent of the digital age, there has been a proliferation of design from all over the world, accessible right from our fingertips. While we are inspired by and marvel at countless wonderful designs, we are also struck by a deluge of horrible and head-shaking bad design as well.

Designs I tend to like possess some or all of these traits that I like to call the three Cs.
They are Clever and make you go, "Ohhhhh...! That's pretty cool!"
They have Clarity and aren't bogged down by a myriad of random or distracting elements.
They are Communicative and create either an intriguing narrative or gets the point across succinctly.

Here are some examples of designs that I found were appealing to me.

This is a logo for The Swan & Mallard Restaurant and it utilizes negative space in a creative way. The swan, mallard, and ampersand are all one element.

This logo is, in my book, a CCC. Triple C!

This is a very creative logo for a pet store called Feathers & Fur. The figure is both, at once, a dog and a bird. Clear, succinct, and creative.


This logo is similar to the first two in concept. A golfer and profile of a Spartan warrior is combined to form the logo.

Some examples of design I don't particularly like or care for:

This one suffers from poor spellchecking/proofreading, making it hilariously bad.

This is at the T Deck parking garage at GSU. The sign almost reads "Exit addtional parking". I think it can be improved by being split into two signs: one that says exit, and another that says additional parking.