Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Things I Collect: Headphones

One of the things I collect is headphones/earphones. It's interesting because I didn't mean to start a collection. However, over the years, one by one, into a collection it did grow, until one day I looked over and thought to myself, "hmm.. I do have quite a few."

Because I have three ear buds, I keep a pair in my school messenger bag with my laptop, another pair in my camera bag, and one pair by my bed.

I have four sets of headphones and each one is different in both sound reproduction and visual aesthetic. Three of them are what is called "closed", where the ear pads form a tight seal so sound doesn't leak out. One of those three is bass-heavy for listening to electronic music and genres with deep, thumping beats, another is Bluetooth-enabled so I can move about without the tangle of wires, and the third is neutral in sound.

My favorite, and go-to headphones, is what's called an "open" headphone where the ear pads are vented so sound leaks terribly, so even at low volumes people around me can hear what I'm listening to. Not library-friendly. I'd use my closed neutral headphones if I were listening around people. So why do I prefer my open headphones? Because instead of the music sounding like its coming from in your head, it sounds like it's coming from around you, as if you're listening to a concert. It's best for genres such as acoustic or anything meant to be listened to live. 

The other headphones do a better job in other genres, but my open pair is just too comfortable for me to switch! So I just use it for everything. :)

Difference between "Closed" and "Open" headphones

Closed - best if you want to get "lost" in your music because it seals your music in and seals the outside ambient noises out. Great for public places where noise-isolation allows you to hear your music and the tight seal keeps it from leaking out for all the world to hear. But music has a "space" in your head and the sound stage is smaller.

Open - ambient noises leak in and sound from the headphones also leaks out. So not good at all in public where people can not only hear your music but also drown your music out with their ambient noise. But great in private where you can isolate yourself from the world. Creates an open sound stage and makes you feel like the band is in front of you.