Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Intro to Graphic Design Fall 2014 Projects

Personal Logo Design (Illustrative)
The project required us to create a lettermark logo using the initials of our name (HB in my case), while conveying two keywords that describe ourselves. The keywords I chose for myself were "clever" and "efficient". We designed an "illustrative" one and "typographical" one, portraying a logo based on hand-drawn letters and one based on a standard typeface, respectively.

Personal Logo Design (Typographical)
Both of my logos convey the keywords "clever" and "efficient" at once. The two separate adjectives become a single symbol, or as I'd like to say, "efficiently combine in a clever way."

I chose to keep both logos monotone and simple in design so they can be implemented in any way -- whether black & white or large or small, without compromising the integrity of the logo.

Scanned Texture Ad (3 Sizes)
Our second project involved us creating a campaign ad, invoking the viewer to take action, for a local non-profit organization. Our requirements were to have three different ad sizes and to use a scanned texture.

After doing some research into local organizations, I decided on the Atlanta Audubon Society. I took some feathers and scanned them for use as my texture.

The pastel color palette was chosen based on the AAS logo so that the ad and the logo display synergy.

Scanned Texture Ad (3 Sizes)

Event Poster
This project was to create an event poster for a local event. I chose to make mine for JapanFest.

In order to bring something new, while at the same time convey traditional Japanese culture, I used origami paper to create the lettering and scanned them in. There were many ideas on the table for this one and it was a hard process learning to give some of them up for the sake of creating a cohesive design that would not distract from the content.

Book Cover Front and Inside Flaps
Our second-to-last assignment was to redesign a book cover of our choosing. Going with one of the classics, I redesigned Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird".

I wanted the cover to represent that there are important lessons and messages contained in the book. Because the book is told by Scout, a child and school student, I used chalk and a chalkboard to design the cover, which not only symbolizes the era and characters, but also represent that there is something to be taught. Afterwards, I imported the photos into Photoshop to complete the cover.

Book Cover Redesign

Package Redesign
The final project was to create a package design for an existing product that, due to negligent marketing, wasn't flying off the shelves. I chose to repackage scented candles and remarket the product with my own branding, "Reminiscents". This packaging wraps the candle up while leaving aroma-shaped slits on the top for the customers to smell. The plastic lid that covers the original candle is removed in lieu of the new packaging, allowing the aisle to draw customers in by permeating pleasant aromas. The little blurbs in the back about each scent take the customer back to pleasant memories, establishing the brand as one that'll instill nostalgia.